Daily Living

To be Loved

February 12, 2020 No Comments

In our society, the word love is often flailed around like loose change. We say it to virtually everyone and even the things that we own, often without any thought. Have you ever thought of the depth of what love is? Would those objects or people you love die for you? To be loved is a beautiful part of life and there is someone who exhibits His love for you daily and has exhibited His love for you in the greatest way. 

Jesus Christ, the epitome of God, is love itself. The bible states in 1 John 4:8 that “God is love.” So in all this love you are giving, do you know who love is? It is God. The love of Christ is vast and wide and He cares for us so deeply. He showed us in the most extravagant way. If you turn to John 3:16 you can see that as it states, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” How amazing is that? God loved the world before the world even loved Him. That shows that even before you come to Him, He has already loved you. No matter how far you think you are from Him or how much you think you have messed up, He still loves you. That is evident in Romans 5:8 that states “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” He died for you in the mess that you are in so that He could give you new life.

Now you know how some relationships fizzle out because something comes between them or their distance is to great. Well that is not so with God. Nothing can separate us from His love. Romans 8:38-39 show us that there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love. It says “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord”. Wow, that is amazing! There is no way you can stop God from loving you.

Christ loves and He loves deeply. When He says He loves you it is not just for show or for a short while. His love is for eternity. It breaks every stereotype and boundary. His love can completely change your life. His love is not a human love. It is an agape love, which is the highest form of love that there is. 

Christ’s love compels us to love others as well and to love them unselfishly. In John 15:12 Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us. So, God’s love is not just for us, but for our friends, families and communities as well. Once we know how it feels to be loved, we can pass that on to others as well. It is then that lives are changed and bondages broken.

The love of Christ is unshakeable. It goes beyond all that we can think. His love can raise the dead and set captives free. It has no boundaries. It is so vast and wide. Oh, how wonderful is His love.

As Valentine’s day approaches us let us not forget who our first love is. That is Christ. As you share love with those whom you love, do not forget to spend time with the one who gave His life for you. He is your groom, and you are the apple of his eye. He yearns for your attention as His eyes are on you. Give Him space in your life because He truly cares for you.

We often struggle around this time if we do not have a significant other. We ask ourselves “Where is my boo?” In all this we can be content that we have a boo for life and that is in Christ. His love far outlasts the love of any man or woman. His love is greater and much stronger. So, if you are yet to know what it meant to be loved I hope you can experience the love of Christ. A love like no other.


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