Is it your voice or is it God’s?

Sometimes, when you hear things you are meant to do, feel things in your spirit that you should do or simply want the extra confirmation just before you do them. You know what you are to do, sometimes what you NEED to be doing, but you hesitate, you question, you want to be extra sure. You just can’t seem to wholeheartedly give it a good go right from the jump.

How many of us can relate with this? How many of those that can’t relate have a problem with lying?

This was me when I got a nudge to do a trust fall from 13,000ft (Skydiving). I can feel the readers who fear heights cringing at the thought of this for those I present

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline

— 2 Timothy 1:7

Alright, we’re about to take off.

The thing about your first skydive is that you have to do a tandem jump. In other words, a seasoned, well-experienced skydiver does the jump for you and you just hold tight for the experience.

So, here I was staring out of the open door of a moving plane, nothing but wind and the clouds in the distance. At this point, I was lost in the splendor and beauty of what my city looked like so high up. I couldn’t believe the sights; God is truly amazing with His creations. How each piece of nature blends with each other, how they look from different perspectives, the depths, how they fuse into each other but are still distinct entities in themselves.



I’m not sure if we ever got to ONE or not.

What I remember, the gut wrenching drop in my stomach once we hopped out. The adrenaline rush, my heart racing and all sorts of thoughts gushing through my mind, I would say I was sweating but I was falling too fast for the sweat to remain on my face.

Once I had landed on the ground and driving home, I couldn’t help but relive the moment in my head. I ran it, front to back, back to front, play by play, second by microsecond.When I was done doing my analysis, it was time to reflect on the lessons from the experience.

Enter still and calm voice.

If you could trust your life with a skydiver you don’t know to take you up in the air and bring you down safely, how much more I, who you know has been with you since you were formed?

When you went in the air, he told you exactly what to do throughout the process, not once did you question him, but let me tell you to do anything, you come back and pray to ask for clarity and want to test if it is truly me.

When you went in the air, he told you exactly what to do throughout the process, not once did you question him, but let me tell you to do anything, you come back and pray to ask for clarity and want to test if it is truly me.

Did you at any point doubt in his ability to land you? You expected to land safely. So no longer come into My presence without an expectation for something to happen. Ask and you will receive.

Did you realize how powerless you were during the fall? You could not go back into the plane, summon the plane to pick you back, you couldn’t even open the parachute by yourself if you wanted to. But you get a little bit of education, a little bit of influence under your belt and start to question the Almighty God.

Your instructor had over 1000 jumps under his belt as experience and here you were doing your first jump and you listened exactly to his instruction.

Me: Because I don’t know to skydive

Okay, can you count the amount of people I have used before you?
So what makes you think the ONE life you have to live, your first and only chance at it, you know how to live it without me, trust it into my hands. Let me guide you to your expected end.

Life is very much like a skydive, the ONLY guaranteed way to fail at it is to stay safe in the plane question everything and never step out.

Jump, God is with you.


MY personal instruction was to skydive safely in Ottawa. Don’t go and jump off your commercial flight talking about, you trust God.

Please, Matt 4:7, Luke 4:12 & Deut 6:16!

Love, Peace & Holy Ghost!

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